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Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to Stay Young and Happy Always

Barusan dapat dari Broadcast BBM, keliatan berguna juga jadi gw share aja dhe :

1. Buang jauh dari pikiran kamu tentang hal-hal yang tidak terlalu penting (umur, tinggi badan, berat, dll)
2. Bertemanlah dengan orang-orang yang membuatmu ceria, karena orang yang terlalu banyak berkeluh kesah dan sukar menikmati hidup akan memberikan dampak negatif kepadamu.
3. Jangan pernah berhenti untuk belajar : pelajari lebih banyak tentang komputer, berkebun, dan apapun itu, perdalam hobi ataupun hal lainnya. Jangan biarkan otak kamu istirahat terlalu lama karena setan akan mengambil alih.
4. Nikmatilah hal hal sekecil apapun
5. Seringlah tertawa, bahkan sekeras yang kamu mau. Tertawalah sampai kamu merasa seperti kehabisan nafas. Dan jika kamu mempunyai teman yang bisa melakukan itu, banyak-banyaklah menghabiskan waktu dengannya. (personal opinion : ada seseorang yang sering membuatku tertawa dulu tapi akhirnya membuatku murung dan ga bisa tertawa, ckckck.. LOL)
6. jika kamu bersedih, mengangislah. Air mata memang diperlukan dalam hidup ini. Namun, bangkitlah segera, karena sesungguhnya satu-satunya orang yang akan selalu bersama kita hanyalah diri kita sendiri. Yang lain hanyalah titipan-Nya.
Live whiel you are alive.
7. Kelilingi dirimu dengan hal-hal yang kamu sayangi (mungkin keluarga, binatang peliharaan, musik, hobi, kekasih, dll). Rumah adalah tempat dimana kamu berlindung.
8. Jagalah kesehatanmu
9. Jangan katakan sesuatu yang bisa membuat orang lain tersudutkan, merasa bersalah, dan tidak nyaman.
10. Sampaikan pada orang yang kamu sayangi bahwa kamu menyayangi mereka. Sampaikanlah pada setiap kesempatan yang kamu bisa.. (Personal opinion : in this chance, I wanna convey a message that I love my parents : mom and dad, love my grandma too, my sisters, my so-called sister and my so-called best friends :D)

Sweet Memories

Mmm, just now suddenly remembered about my birthday that has passed almost 4 months already.
Feeling weird that I gonna write about it now, consider that it has been 4 months ago. But 'just do what you want to do' and what I want to do now is to write about it, weirdo.. hahaha...

Okay, I recount some bout it.
That was a wonderful and memorable birthday, I guess.
See, that whole day was a very busy day : Since morning, I've got something to do (forget already what's going in the morning, and just remember doing something). Then, my grandma, sister, and brother also came to my home, coz my mom cooked a special birthday noodle for me.
Then at 1 PM, I went for teaching in Hartono's. I was given surprised by my lovely students, hehe.. And also much surprising, my college friends were also hiding there before I came, bringing me birthday cake.. hoho... Thanks to them.

Going home from there, not more than an hour, my juniors also came to my home, bringing cake too. But lol, they didn't manage to give me surprise coz I was in front of home already. hahaha...
But anyway, I appreciate their will so much too. Thanks to the one who plans to make a surprise for me.. hehe..

After bla3 (blowing candles, eating cakes, playing cakes, etc), the day was still not over. At night, we went to watch Harpot 7 at Deli, coz Sun must be very crowded. Thanks to someone there for the night (that was what I feel that time, and of course not feeling thanks anymore now, but yeah still thanks lah -> THH :s)

Well, a busy but fun and memorable day, having some special people to celebrate my birthday.. :)


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